Mentors & Mavericks is a meeting place for entrepreneurs needing help with business direction, funding ideas or other advice they need to grow and build their planned direction. Meeting online, by phone or other means with current or retired successful executives or professionals for advice, their expertise, contacts and more to help young new entrepreneurs on the path to success.
Both the Entrepreneur and the Executive / Professionals can post information about themselves on the Mentors & Mavericks platform with privacy. Generally this is a place for Successful Professionals to offer Free Advice. However sometimes, depending on the help and position, the entrepreneur may offer some benefit or equity to the executive or professional if they provide long-term assistance or end up on the entrepreneur's Board.
Non-Login Guest has limited viewing of information and no access to Post, Comment or exchange contact Information.
Login Guest has Full Viewing, but no access to Post, Comment or exchange contact Information.
Gold Members have Full Access to the Mentors & Mavericks Network with the ability to Post a Need, Comment and exchange Contact Information if the Executive or Professional also desires this.