TBC is about to launch in 21 countries to help young entrepreneurs bring together all the tools they need to form, plan, develop, finance, build, manage and launch their business. Business’s that will guide and direct our futures. There does exist today many incubators and accelerators to help entrepreneurs get a good start with their business, but the fact is that more than 80% of all young entrepreneurs world-wide don’t have access, don’t qualify or are not selected to be a part of these programs. And they are left to sort through 1,000 of online resources that are confusing and do not fully layout a direction or give them hope or motivation to achieve and succeed. This includes direction towards legal and business services. TBC is that portal that will provide one centralized ‘dashboard’ from beginning ideas to assist with business planning, direction, formation, contracts & legal assistance, mentorship, training (books, video, blogs, guru’s, mastery programs), financial planning, funding sources, crowdfunding, networking, business services, best of the best professionals to assist and much more. All this in one well-organized control center – and provide them that much needed ‘motivation and inspiration’ to keep going, by giving them glimpses of a luxury life that awaits them when they succeed. We have spent 2 years compiling the world’s most unique list of destinations and experiences – from inexpensive to much more… hotels in mountains and under the ice, rentals of gold Lamborghinis’ and crystal-encrusted Porsche’s, private islands for rent - extraordinary safaris and a seat on a shuttle into space… as well as teaching them to use concierge services to handle the mundane items in life while they are busy focused on changing the world.
We want you to be a part. And we want to direct their growing business to you. All at no cost to you. Entirely – for free to you ! Most young entrepreneurs start out seeking to find contracts and forms that are free in the initial process of forming & growing and many times realize that a template might do, but many times it is not enough and it is a need of attorney or business services to help them do more. By providing most of the simple forms they need – for ‘free’, to help them get started, and having a link back to your company attached to the free form as the sponsor – it puts your company directly in front of them, to motivate them to contact you for help with it or other legal and contract assistance.
And we are now providing this platform at TBC Free Forms, as a part of TBC’s Entrepreneurship Dashboard… this will drive new young business to us as the world’s largest free form’s site that will ‘always’ be current and updated - and that will help drive their business to you – ‘entirely’ for free to everyone.
We don’t charge the entrepreneur. We don’t charge you. It is just a good idea for our young entrepreneur customers and gives them direction for the business and legal assistance. They do not even need to be a Member on our site, to receive free forms. It is just a ‘freebie’ by us, that we will market world-wide, to give more reason to bring young entrepreneur’s to our site – and thus drive business to you.
We are only picking a few attorneys and business services companies per city around the world to provide common simple forms that are unique to your city, state & country that meet the legal requirements for that region. And you would need to occasional update the forms if laws in your area change. Both the forms and the provider will be rated by the entrepreneur to help us make sure we have only quality forms and providers.
The higher ranked legal and business professionals will be allowed to stay on the site for free – for as long as their ratings are high. And lower or negative rated companies will be removed to allow another provider to have the opportunity to have this free marketing tool. You will be allowed to provide as many or as little number of free forms as you wish to provide. Keeping in mind - each form will provide a link back to your website or email or both. The more forms you provide, the more exposure your firm gets for free. And the business you receive will not only be locals, but also foreign investors and entrepreneurs that wish to do business in your region that don’t know who to contact.
And we will sign a contract with you that states we will never charge anyone for the forms you provide, and we will never charge anything to you. It is just a marketing partnership, of which we will promote as TBC’s Free Forms, the world’s largest free forms database as a part of TBC’s Entrepreneurship Dashboard…
If you wish to participate in this program, please contact us immediately. We picked legal and business services companies based on ratings our research team found and we are only making this offer to quality firms, however, we will withdraw the offer once we have 2-5 firms that seem capable of providing the minimum required numbers of forms for your region.
To apply to be one of the firms in your region, please click here ‘Register’.